The documentation of the Roslin Glen resambles the way I found documents relating to my family history.
In my archive you can see the sister of my grandfather ..see
march 2008. Last month I wrote her a letter to get more information about Samuel Macbean.
He was her and my granfathers - grandfather
This is a copy of the letter:
Dear Aunt Joyce
How are you? I hope you have a good healthy state.
More than a year ago we met in the Mother Teresa House in Calcutta.
I was very happy to meet you. I have never met my father’s father and so it was a very special moment to meet you.
At the moment I am studying photography at Edinburgh College of Art in Scotland.
I brought the family tree you showed me in Calcutta to Scotland. I am eager to learn more about this part of the family. I spent time studing documents in the India office in the British Library and found some documents including burial cerificates and baptism certificates.
The last document I found was about Samuel Macbean. In the family tree it shows that he is your grandfather. I cannot find anymore information about older generations in the family tree. Samual Macbean was burried in Dacca.
I would be very happy to find out more about his life. Was he the person who emigrated form Scotland to India? Do you know his place of birth and the date of his birth. The name Macbean facinates me. I would like to find out who in the family tree was Scottish and were they would be from in Scotland. I would like to photograph this place in Scotland for my final Master project for the Art School.
I would be happy to know more about your family and the history of the family tree. Woudl it be possible to write me about it?
In four weeks I will move from my room in Edinburgh back to the Netherlands were my mother and father are living. If you could write me the best thing would be to send the letter to my mothers address.
I really hope you can help me, it is so hard to find out something without family who knows more about this history.
For me it is very important to know more about the past!
Hope you have the possibility to write me back,
With much love
Sarojini Lewis
Sarojini Lewis
Gerard Scholtenstraat 120
3035 ST Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Telephonenumber in Scotland:
she did not reply yet......