The Three Secrets From Fatima

A sea of fire, Flames that were like seeds, Beans that were like flames.

Extraordinary, magenta, purple, hot pink, and a deep Bordeaux red.”
In this performance by Sarojini Lewis we see a mysterious apparition of a woman from Portugal, in the city of Fatima. 
In 1556 the town was named after a Moorish princess and in 1917 a female figure appeared in an oracle to three children of sheep herders. 
Lewis takes you into a ritual in which she creates a visual narrative with Kieviet Beans and combines Fatima's secrets with her own secrets: a Bean Confession.
Beans and religion have been linked for generations. Beans also symbolize poverty, in this performance the beans are linked to emotions surrounding secrets, 
is an eating ritual also a moment to talk about the things we are ashamed of? 
Why do we always talk about a Holy Bean? 
The process of picking the beans in Yussef's garden and dreaming with the bean refers to our feelings and emotions surrounding eating rituals.


Waves that came from Ternate

  The waves that came from Ternate